Monday, March 03, 2008


Well after much time, deliberation, and regret, I have decided to start up my blog again. Why the long pause? I feel it is due to lack of time, interest, and feeling like I couldn't make my blog cool enough or interesting enough to keep my readers attention. But like anything in life one must keep trying and keep hoping for something better, to reach greater heights. So for those of you who make wonderful blogs please be kind, and maybe offer assistance or suggestions.
What has our family been up to? Well as you can tell from last years post we had an addition to our family. As a mom of only two, I sometimes ponder -How in the heck do moms with more than two do it?- Not to say my kids are a handful, but life is definitely different. Like dealing with two grumpy kids who are both crying an trying to get them to stop through a method of trial and error. Is it hunger? are they tired? are they sick? do they have a temperature? are they teething, do they have gas or did they eat something gross from the floor, again, or are they fighting over the same toy? The list goes on. And for those of you without kids, there's more! It can become a vicious cycle. If you miss the time for nap then they get soo tired that they won't take a nap and the whole day is ruined because they are cranky and really need a nap and only finally sleep due to exhaustion. Then there is the issue of sleep. I'm sure I'm the only one who struggles with this, but the lack thereof can make a woman loose her mind. (So what am I implying?) Not only are you sleep walking to go soothe a crying child, which would be cake, if it wasn't all------ through the night. Then you're expected (by an unknown group of rule keepers) to wake up refreshed and beautiful and have the house in pristine condition at all hours, ready for company, and then have a delicious meal ready for dinner, in time! I for one cannot meet those demands. I do know several woman shall we call them Celestial beings, Superwomen, or just plain crazy, who do it all and maintain complete sanity. I have yet to grasp their mighty powers. I have devised a plan to find their secret. It will include, but not be limited to spying, questioning and experimentation. How do they do it all, and have time to make cute little hand made crafty things, and go to the gym, scrapbook, and do community service? They often claim to be bored, I've heard some say. Which completely astounds me because I'm so overwhelmed and in over my head I don't even have the time or the ability to be bored. Maybe they have made a secret pact with aliens that if they give them their eldest child, the aliens will keep all things in order and perfect.
Well I guess I should stop my complaining, it's always easier to see the bad stuff. What gets me through the blah is when they (my kids) look up at me and say "I love you". Or when they do something hilarious that you laugh until you have tears in your eyes, or when you realize how fast they grow up and that they aren't babies anymore and that time is so precious. So sometimes I just throw cleaning and all that jazz out the window and just play and watch my children be kids and enjoy the moment. I believe more and more that the small and simple things bring true joy.


Unknown said...

Great blog. Look forward to more.

by Aaron Read said...

Hey Jamilah! I love it! You are funny!

Janeen said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you're blogging again. Those pictures are amazing, awesome color. You said everything so perfectly, I love your post it was really fun to read!

Kristen said...

Jamilah, you are my hero! I appreciated the honesty and your blog made me miss you guys so much! Your kiddos are so big.